Gynaecomastia Surgery in Dubai

Learn more about our Gynecomastia procedure

What Is Gynaecomastia Surgery?

Gynaecomastia is the abnormal but non-cancerous enlargement of one or both breasts in males. This is mostly due to the growth of breast tissue which is often caused as a result of hormonal imbalance, medical conditions and lifestyle factors. It has been found to cause significant psychological distress among sufferers and is a popular treatment at Maison Lutétia.

The increase in gland tissue is often caused because of the imbalance in testosterone and estrogen, commonly referred to as the male and female hormone. As many as 1 in 4 male adults have suffered from gynecomastia at some point in their lives and it has been known to contribute to low self-esteem and other psychological pressures.


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    What Causes Gynaecomastia?

    There are many reasons for Gynaecomastia, and there is no set time frame for them to appear and reduce. At the same time, there are no apparent reasons why the condition may suddenly have been triggered.

    Some factors can contribute a great deal to this situation in some individuals; some essential reasons are:

    • Change of hormones during puberty or in later stages

    • Change of hormones during later adolescence

    • Obesity

    • Absence of proper nutrition

    • Hyperthyroidism

    • Liver and kidney disease among others.

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    When should you consider Gynaecomastia surgery treatment?

    Ideally, if a swelling in the breast occurs, the patient should wait for six months to a year for it to subside. In the meantime, the patient should run all the tests prescribed by the doctor to rule out any of the mentioned conditions. A highly qualified and experienced surgeon will guide the patient through all the steps. If the condition persists, the patient will then be required to undergo the procedure.

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    Candidate admissibility for Gynaecomastia surgery procedure

    After a series of thorough tests and exams, when all other options are ruled out, the ideal thing to do is wait it out and let it subside. When the swelling does not subside, the doctors will assess you for the condition, and record your history. Our highly specialized plastic surgeons who are very experienced in this field, produce incredibly life changing results with minimal scars. After the patient’s height and weight along with the medical history is documented, the patient is then deemed fit for the procedure, following which, the surgery is scheduled.

    Get to know more about the Gynaecomastia procedure

    Since all patients are present with different conditions, every procedure is unique.
    Broadly speaking there are two steps in the procedure: liposuction and surgical excision.
    Sometimes due to the nature of the condition, any one of the conditions or a hybrid of the two, is used to treat and get the best possible outcomes.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Gynaecomastia Surgery

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