
Learn more about our Liposuction Procedure

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the procedure involving the removal of fat, mostly in the areas such as hips, thighs, abdomen, chest, and buttocks.

Steps to Liposuction Procedure

After giving local or general anesthesia, depending on the procedure and its outlay, an injection of epinephrine is injected to shrink the blood vessels and reduce the bleeding and bruising of the surgical site.

For maximum results, high-frequency vibrators are used, since the fat cells when broken down, give a smoother and natural extraction. After a fair amount of vibration, when the fat cells are easy to extract, the suction tubes are then inserted to drain out the excess fat, and then moved back and forth, to make sure all the fat are removed.

You will notice visible changes right after the liposuction surgery, which are permanent if followed as per the postoperative plans suggested by the surgeon.


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    The Surgical Excision in Liposuction

    In this procedure, the excess skin is removed. In this approach, two possible methods are determined according to the condition: The shave excision presents fewer scars, since not much fat and tissue require removal, while full-thickness skin excision requires sutures as it calls for a more aggressive approach.

    Does Liposuction Leave Scars?

    Our liposuction surgeons keep the incision and scarring minimal, for the consideration of postoperative care, since scars in men and boys are generally unacceptable

    The surgeons will brief you about the complete aftercare procedure, to reduce the scars to the maximum extent possible, and in the fastest possible time.

    When should you consider a liposuction treatment?

    Liposuction, is a popular aesthetic surgery procedure that is used to remove unwanted fat deposits from parts of your body such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck. It is an effective body contouring procedure, that uses a vacuum suction approach to remove stubborn fat that won’t otherwise respond to conventional weight-loss methods.

    What happens during the liposuction treatment consultation?

    During your meeting with your cosmetic surgeon, a couple of key points are discussed that cover your skin type, any concerns you may have, your desired level of expectation, the safety protocols involved, the cost of the procedure and your complete medical history. Once all these are factored in, you can, with the help of your surgeon, arrive at which liposuction option is the right one that works for you.

    Liposuction recovery expectations after the procedure

    Recovery for the procedure may or may not involve the insertion of a drain tube - this depends entirely on your condition. The drain tube is designed to drain out excess fluid to prevent any complications during the healing process.

    After the healing is complete, the surgeons will remove the drainpipes, and let the cavity and incisions heal. Sometimes, the stitches that are used, dissolve with time, but rarely are non-dissolvable stitches used.

    Following a few days after surgery, your surgeon will guide you in getting your stitches checked and see if they are ready to be removed.

    You may experience some soreness and swelling, which will naturally subside after a few weeks. At the same time, the surgeon will brief you on the aftercare that is essential for optimum results after the procedure.

    You will be advised on the procedures regarding picking up objects and weights, postures for bending, and tips on avoiding certain physical activities.

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    How long do Liposuction results last?

    The liposuction procedure is permanent; but age, hormones, lifestyle patterns and gravity may alter the outlook. Following all the scheduled appointments planned after the surgery, is a must. For optimum results, all guidelines framed by the gynecomastia specialist surgeon are to be rigorously followed.

    A bespoke, tailored approach to the Liposuction procedure at Lutétia Clinics in Dubai

    Ideally, the doctors will design the procedure, just as it is required for your case. After a careful evaluation, the surgical approach will then be decided. Your lifestyle, routine and preferences also contribute as influential factors to the decisions.

    Our surgeons will explain what their expectations from you are, in the process for continued effect, healing and continued satisfaction.

    Liposuction in Dubai

    To know more about how we can make our liposuction work for you, talk to our plastic surgeons in the UAE for the best liposuction in Dubai.

    Frequently asked questions about Liposuction:

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