Laser Hair Removal

Learn more about our Laser Hair Removal procedure

What is Laser Hair Removal?

When you want to remove unwanted hair on your body, you opt for Laser Hair Removal. This is a safer and non-invasive way to remove body hair from your forearms and underarms to your legs, without cuts or bruises. A concentrated beam of laser light is directed on dark hair that absorbs its heat from the hair follicles, destroying them and in this way, it stops growing further.

When should one consider laser hair removal treatment?

There are times when we are sick of the extra hair on our face or anywhere. Shaving them can be hectic to do every day, and holds the risks of cut, waxing, or bleaching has the potential of adversely affecting your skin health and tone. So, what should we do? Well, the laser hair removal done at Maison Lutétia is precisely what you want. There is no need for bleaching, waxing, or shaving when you can get rid of hair completely with Laser Hair Removal. A few laser sessions can help you to relieve yourself and your body from unwanted hair


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    laser hair removal

    How does Laser Hair Removal work?

    Understanding how lasers remove hair can help patients understand why the strength of the laser and the expertise of the practitioner are important when choosing a clinic to remove unwanted hair. Dark objects absorb light and light objects reflect light. So it’s the dark objects that heat up when targeted by a laser beam. When it comes to hair, it’s the melanin, the substance that gives hair its colour, that heats up under the laser. You want the hair to heat up a lot faster than the skin, so the hair is destroyed but the skin is unaffected. That’s why you might hear that dark hair on light skin is the easiest for the laser to remove. If the hair doesn’t get hot enough, the warmth from the laser can stimulate the hair to grow even more. Which, let’s face it, is the exact opposite of what you wanted. Weak lasers can make hair grow even more. If the practitioner doesn’t get the laser on the right setting, based on your hair and skin type, you might not get the result you want. The laser we use is an advanced Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Laser machine that can treat both dark and light hair, heating the melanin enough to destroy the follicle.

    More about our Laser Hair Removal Treatment

    Unwanted hair growth can affect any part of the body. Removal requires the removal of the actual hair follicle, this ensures that the hair permanently never grows back. The search for a solution that achieves permanent hair removal can be frustrating.

    The area of laser hair removal has seen some significant technological improvements over the years. A lot of scientific research into laser hair removal was carried out between 1990 - 2000, and a lot of research is conducted on an ongoing basis since then.


    Hair removal is defined as the deliberate removal of hair from the face or body. Methods to achieve this process can vary but with the advent of laser technology, it is now easier than ever to achieve permanent hair removal by permanently disrupting the growth of hair follicles at the root. Not all lasers are the same, and are measured by the laser wavelength in nanometres or nm. One nanometre or nm is equal to one billionth of a metre.

    Why should you choose Lutétia Clinics for laser hair removal in Dubai?

    Side effects from some methods that promise to get rid of unwanted hair can be varied. Unlike other medical centres, at Maison Lutétia we use one of the most dynamic hair reduction and cutting removal methods in our hair removal treatment. As a medical center that offers a wide range of services, our laser hair removal treatments can treat facial hair across the whole body. A number of sessions may be required to ensure permanent laser hair removal, but be rest assured, the process is pain-free and administered by our experts in skin care.

    Types of Hair Removal Lasers

    • Intense Light Pulse (IPL) which works at 590nm to 1200nm.
    • Alexandrite laser which operates at 755nm.
    • Ruby laser which operates at 694nm.
    • Neodymium-doped:yttrium aluminum garnet laser (Nd:YAG) which operates at 1064nm.

    All of the lasers try to achieve the same goal, which is to target melanin and disrupt the damage in the stem cells in the bulge and dermal pailla of hair follicles with precision. The lasers use photothermal destruction, photomechanical damage and photochemical processes to do this.

    Who is not a suitable candidate for laser hair removal?

    A common enquiry we receive is about possible factors that disqualify someone from undergoing laser hair removal. These issues affect a very small cross section of people, however other factors can impair the effectiveness of lasers to achieve permanent hair removal.

    • If you have been tanning recently or are extremely tanned, it is advisable to delay laser sessions to after the tan has faded.
    • Some lasers may be less effective with hair that lacks melanin and may require multiple sessions.
    • Ladies with any endocrine abnormality may experience impaired effectiveness of laser hair removal
    • People with autoimmune connective diseases may experience discomfort due to high photosensitivity.

    Laser hair removal in Dubai

    Laser hair removal is one of our most popular treatments. Our methods and techniques evolve with the cutting edge research and technology that is developing all the time. Comparative and peer-reviewed studies have shown that laser and light based systems for hair removal are generally safe.

    Talk to our expert dermatologists in the UAE for the best laser hair removal in Dubai.

    What happens during a laser hair removal consultation?

    The first step a surgeon will do is run you through a couple of simple but key queries. They cover points such as the growth of your hair, your family history of hair loss if any, or if you have had a hair transplant surgery previously.

    It will also cover an in-depth understanding of your current lifestyle patterns and what your expectations for a surgery would be like, realistically.

    Current medical or chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, skin diseases and blood-related disorders are important points to be discussed with your surgeon. If you are a habitual smoker or have been prescribed with powerful drugs or medications, then it should be brought up to as they could cause complications during the procedure.

    What happens during laser hair removal procedure?

    There are a few steps that are followed when you go in for a laser hair removal. The area to be treated is first cleaned. The laser is then directed to the area of hair from the follicles that need to be taken out. As the heat intensifies, you might experience a series of ‘stings’ that almost feel like some rubber band has snapped against your skin. Depending on the area that is being treated, your procedure might take close to an hour or maybe less.

    How do you prepare for laser hair removal treatment?

    Avoid tanning yourself or exposing yourself to the harsh sun’s rays before you undergo a laser hair removal procedure. Tanning your skin can cause complications in the procedure or slow it down, while making you vulnerable to side effects. We would recommend that you shave the spot that needs treatment just a few days before your procedure. Waxing or using tweezers to remove hair after treatment is avoidable.

    Laser hair removal aftercare

    To reduce any discomfort, here are a few quick remedies to keep in mind:

    • Apply ice to the treated area
    • Avoid direct sunlight
    • Use sunscreen
    • Avoid tanning equipment, sun lamp or any other tanning equipment
    • Apply a light natural lotion if you have inflammation

    Frequently Asked Questions about Laser hair removal

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