Big Rossi's Hair Transplant Experience
On June 16th 2019 the Kris Fade Show started discussing whether or not Big Rossi should undergo a hair transplant. The team had visited an office party and Big Rossi stated that he felt very self conscious as being the only person at the party without a hair style. A 7 minute discussion ensued which included several calls fielded from listeners who were either for or against the idea of him getting a hair transplant. Big Rossi reminisced over the days that he had long thick and wavy hair, the conversation uncovered several of the most common reasons we hear from patients who undergo the hair transplant procedure at Maison Lutétia. One of the most important moments is the phone call from a caller who already had a hair transplant, who extolled the benefits for self confidence and self-image.
SPOILER ALERT: Looking at the photo below you can see the before and after for Big Rossi's journey.

When looking for a place to receive a hair transplant in Dubai, Big Rossi chose Maison Lutétia clinic, and the their advanced method of hair transplant.
A modern approach that is minimally invasive, the recovery time is optimised because the process leaves no scarring and enjoys a 97% success rate. The Lutetia hair transplant method developed as part of the dynamic evolution of hair transplant technology, focusing on the removal and implantation of individual hair follicles, it differs from the old approach which involved cutting off a strip of the scalp and harvesting it for hair follicles, which often left unsightly scarring in the donor areas.

The highly specialized method at Lutétia is non-invasive, only local anasthetic is used and there is minimal downtime for patients. Our technique allows for the natural insertion of hair follicles in a way that mimicks the linear growth of hair follicle by follicle. This leaves a totally natural look with implanted hair that grows in the same direction as the hairs in the surrounding area.
The patented technique allows for perfect control over the angle, depth and direction of each implanted hair follicle, leaving incredible results with no scarring. The survivability of the hair follicles has been found in research to be inversely corelated to the length of time the hair follicle stays outside of the patient's body. The implantation method optimises this time and uses a special solution to maximise the survivability rate of implanted hair follicles, which averages 97% in the overwhelming majority of patients.
Learn more about Big Rossi's experience at Maison Lutétia by watching the video above, and if you are inspired to start your Hair Transplant journey just use the contact form below to reach out to a member of Lutetia's Hair Transplant team who will get you booked in for a FREE consultation with an expert to determine the options available to restore your individual head of hair!