Men's Health in Dubai

services & procedures for male health

General Health Counselling for Men

Starting from infancy to the and of life male patients need control check-ups for diseases related to their gender. General counselling and routine check-ups are provided for you and your loved sons. Maison Lutétia provides a specialised service tailored to each patients' indivdual health requirement.


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    • Infancy Controls

      Testicles should be in the scrotum ( testicular sac) at birth. They should be followed-up and treated if they are not. This situation is called undescended testicles and has very serious effects if not treated on time. If untreated these testicles lose their ability to produce sperm and become infertile later in life. But more importantly, the risk of developing testicular cancer is considerable much higher in the undescendent testictle than normal population.

      Circumcision is also a very important issue. It should always be kept in mind that circumsion is a surgical procedure and should be performed accordingly.

    • Erectile Dysfunction

      Erectile dysfunction is the inability of men to achieve or maintain sufficient penile rigidity to have a satisfactory intercourse. It effects almost 2 out of every 3 men between the ages of 40-70. Keeping this fact in mind, 21st Century medicine offers every men the ability to pursue their sexual life . If a man is  having trouble there is no need to hesitate. There are many treatment options  all tailored according to your problems with satisfaction guaranteed.

      Diagnostic Work-Up

      • Severity assessment ( IIEF)
      • Careful expert examination and evaluation
      • Penile Doppler ultrasound ( assessment of arterial and venous flow to the penis)
      • Hormonal profile
      • Penile injection test

      Treatment Modalities:

      • Medical treatments
      • Hormone replacement therapies
      • Penile injection therapy ( P-Shot)
      • Shock-wave therapy ( ESWT)
      • Penile prosthesis implantation
    • Male Infertility

      Male factor is present in 50% of all couples who did not have babies even  though have been trying for a year. This is called male infertility. It may be due to many different etiologies. Right diagnosis and right treatment may give you the baby you want to take home to. There are diagnostic evaluation and  treatment modalities depending on your personal situation.

      • Expert evaluation
        • Sperm analysis
        • Hormonal profileo Scrotal Doppler ultrasound
      • Treatments:
        • Medical / hormonal therapies
        • Micro-TESE ( microscopic sperm retrieval from the testicular tissues)
        • Vaso-vasostomy / epididymo-vasostomy
    • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

      Protection and detection of sexually transmitted diseases are very important since it just not involve you but all those in contact with you. Education and prevention is the key but if you have already been infected appropriate  treatment should be established to decrease the risk of insufficient ttreatments, recurrent disease and treatment resistant bacteria.

    Why Choose Maison Lutétia?

    Our clinic has over 30 years of experience as one of the premiere aesthetic and cosmetic surgery clinics in Paris. Our dedication to offering our patients a personally tailored service with high quality values. We respect and understand the need for discretion in treating our patients, at Maison Lutétia, your comfort, health and wellbeing are our only goals!

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    • Puberty Controls

      Before going into active mature life, puberty is a major period where the male body goes through many changes. Hormonal changes and body structure evolve in such a may that effects all life cycle. A urological control at this phase may result in critical benefits. HPV is an example. Since its widespread occurrence HPV vaccination is advised to both boys and girls before active sexual life.

    • Prostate and Regular Urological Controls

      Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among males after the age of 50. It is a treatable condition as long as it is diagnosed early enough. Unfortunately prostate cancer does not have any signs until its too late. Therefore annual prostate control is the only way to diagnose an early stage prostate cancer. The prostate check-up should be performed in every men over 50, but, if you have any close relatives with prostate cancer history this control should start at the age of 45.

    • Penile Cosmetic Procedures

      • Penile lengthening ( surgical procedures)
      • Penile widening ( both fillers and surgical)
      • Penile enhancement ( lengthening + widening)
      • Functional cosmology ( penile enhancement + penile implant)
      • Penile curvature treatments ( Peyronie’s Disease and congenital curvature)
      • Buried penis
      • Hypospadias correction
    • Scrotal Diseases & Treatments

      • HPV cauterization and laser ablation
      • Scrotal web correction and shortening
      • Varicocele
        • Scrotal Doppler ultrasound
        • Sperm analysis
        • Microscopic varicocelectomy
      • Hydrocele diagnosis and correction
      • Testicular implant surgery
      • Vasectomy
    • Prostate Diseases

      • In contrast to common knowledge in the population “Prostate” is not a disease. It is actually an organ ( a gland) responsible for the production of most part of the liquid portion of the ejaculate. Due to infections, hormonal changes related to age and family factors, prostate gland tends to enlarge and cause many different problems most of which are related to urination ( peeing). The right diagnosis gives the person a much better quality of life.
        • Patient evaluation
          • Expert consultation
          • Patient self- assessment
          • Physical examination
        • Uroflowmetry ( measuring of urine flow rate)
        • Post-voiding residual urine measurement
        • Blood / urine analysis
        • Urodynamics ( a sophisticated computerized test that evaluates both obstruction and the functional aspects of the urinary bladder )
        • Flexible cystoscopy ( looking inside the urinary tract with a video scope )
        • Urinary system ultrasound
        • Transrectal prostate biopsy
        • Treatment modalities:

          • Medical treatments
          • Open and endoscopic surgical options
          • Prostate botox injections
          • Laser applications
          • Prostate stent placements
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