Treatment for Painful Intercourse

What is Painful Intercourse?

Painful intercourse is also referred to as Dyspareunia. It can be due to various reasons, from structural problems to psychological concerns. Many women suffer from painful intercourse at some point in their lives. It is defined as persistent intense and sharp genital pain before, during, or after intercourse. Treatment helps to eliminate or minimizes the problem.


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    What are the causes of Painful Intercourse?

    The cause of painful intercourse depends the pain if it occurs at entry or with deep thrusting. Emotional factors are also associated with  many types of painful intercourse. The entry pain might be associated with decreased lubrication, often after menopause, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Medications like  antihistamines, sedatives, blood pressure medications tend to decrease lubrication. Trauma, irritation, injury from an accident, inflammation, infections of the genital area and urinary tract infection, skin disorders causing ulcers, burning, etc., involuntary spasm of the vaginal wall muscles (vaginismus), imperforate hymen also causes dyspareunia, cystitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Emotional factors such as anxiety, depression, and stress also, cause painful intercourse. Dyspareunia is more common in women. However there are many possible causes of dyspareunia, but it can be treated.

    What are some of the symptoms and Treatment Options?

    If you have painful intercourse, you will feel pain either at sexual entry or with every penetration, deep pain during thrusting, burning pain or throbbing pain.

    It is necessary to determine the cause of Dyspareunia as treatments are based on the condition's cause. If your pain is associated with any underlying infection, the doctor might treat it with:

    • antibiotics
    • antifungal medicines
    • topical or injectable corticosteroids

    A low of estrogen in women seems to be the leading cause of Dyspareunia. A prescription cream, tablet, or the flexible ring can be used to deliver a small, regular dose of estrogen to the vagina.

    Ospemifene (osphena), an estrogen-free drug, mimics estrogen on vaginal tissues. It reduces the intercourse pain by making the tissues thicker and less fragile.

    These home remedies are also useful to reduce dyspareunia  symptoms. It is recommended to use water-soluble lubricants, empty bladder before sex, and use over the counter pain reliever, take a
    warm bath before intercourse, use ice packs to reduce the burning sensation.

    Alternative therapies the doctor may recommend treatment that includes Desensitization therapy in which the doctor suggested  vaginal relaxation exercises that will decrease the pain.

    Counseling or sex therapy is beneficial to improve communication with your partner and restore sexual intimacy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy changes negative thought patterns and behaviors.

    You can prevent painful intercourse by following proper hygiene, routine medical care, and by encouraging natural vaginal lubrication.

    At Lutetia Clinics Dubai, Dr. Alia Humaid Al Qassimi is a leading board-certified Gynecologist in the region. Book a consultation to get in touch with Dr. Alia and make your pain goes away.

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